Water Rates
$5.27 per 1,000 gallons
Facility Charge Per Month:
5/8” Meter - $23.50
1” Meter - $29.00
1 1/2” Meter - $59.00
2” Meter - $71.00
3” Meter - $115.00
4” Meter - $160.00
Fees: (subject to change without notice)
Non-payment reconnection fee - $150.00 reconnection fee shall then be assessed.
Returned Checks/Bank Draft – $25.00
After two (2) bad checks the customer shall be placed on a cash only basis for six (6) months. If bad checks continue, the customer shall be placed on a one (1) year cash only basis or permanently.
Transfer Fee of $20.00 , a processing fee paid by all new customers who sign up for water service.